People seek the help of a chiropractor for many reasons. Most people associate chiropractic with pain relief, and yes chiropractic helps tremendously with pain, but it also helps with so much more!
I talk a lot about… you guessed it, posture! Here’s another way proper posture can help you avoid neck pain.
Tech Neck is a thing. It’s the term being applied to all the health problems and issues associated with the chronic forward head posture that people are developing due to to much time spent on their devices while in a bad posture position.
Here is a quick Success Story that is too good not to share. Everyday in my practice here in Chicago I get to witness stories like this…and it never gets old!
Back pain is the second most common reason people visit their medical doctors, behind the common cold. Unfortunately, modern medicine only can offer us medications to mask the pain and do very little to truly correct the reason why the pain is there in the first place. Here is a list of 14 things you start doing now to avoid back pain.
Many people don’t think to call the chiropractor when they are having wrist pain. Here at our Chicago Chiropractic Office we help wrist pain quite commonly.
We are 14 days into our plank challenge, and my tip for this week is: Don’t watch the clock.