Thursday nights are my favorite night of the week… family adjustment night in the Bourdage household. After I arrive home, we eat dinner, hang out as a family and then before bed my 6 year old knows it’s adjustment night so she’ll say “Baba (Chinese for dad), time for our adjustments!”
One of the most common questions I get asked on a daily basis is “What vitamins should I be taking?” Let’s keep in mind that each and everyone is unique with individual needs.
Stretching is an often overlooked aspect of health, but yet it so important. There is a lot of misguided information when it comes to stretching. In this blog I want to explain why it is important to stretch and explain the proper timing and method to get the most bang for your buck while stretching.
Astronaut Scott Kelly returned to Earth recently after being in space for a year! One of the headline grabbing topics when he returned was that he gained 2 inches in height during his time away! How incredible is that?
In the past two weeks there has been a lot of people suffering from shoulder pain in Chicago. The reason I know is because, as a chiropractor, there has been a huge influx of patients with shoulder pain coming into my office. Let’s discuss this further.
Have you ever wondered “Why do chiropractors take X-rays?” Or, have you considered going to see a chiropractor, but are worried because your chiropractor may recommend X-rays?
A practice member who I’ve known for a while came in one day and was very stressed and concerned. After we got to talking she told me her knee was really bothering her and it was preventing her from working out.
Kids and chiropractic is a topic that many people don’t realize go together. Just the other day I was adjusting a patient of mine and he saw in the next room a parent with her kids and the kids were patiently lying on the table waiting for me. He asked me, “Why do kids get adjusted, do they have back pain?”
Many people believe that chiropractic works only for spinal issues. Chiropractors are experts and locating and correcting subluxations (areas of stress) to the spine, but we are also trained to work with extremities as well. Chiropractic and extremities such as ankles, knees, wrists and shoulders work great together.