It’s that time of year again. The weather is warming up, things are blooming, and your allergies are kicking! Well it doesn’t have to be that way. Many people in our office have experienced the allergy relieving effects of having their spine adjusted. Many other people are skeptical, and they ask, “how does having my spine adjusted help me with my allergies?”
I am seeing more and more people come into my office with neck pain and other symptoms associated with having too much stress on the neck and upper back. Things like headaches, fatigue, allergies, sinus issues and migraines. What concerns me, is the people coming in with these symptoms are younger than ever before.
The doctor’s told him he needed surgery and gave him heavy duty pain killers. Luckily, Matt felt like he should have other options besides surgery. Matt was referred to our office by one of his friends who had great results with Chiropractic care.
Did you know taking NSAID’s or other analgesics for joint pain can actually slow healing and encourage the patient to do more damage because they cannot feel the pain that indicates that they are hurting themselves?
I am often asked if chiropractic can help with (insert any disease or symptom here). My answer is always the same no matter what is in between those parenthesis…. YES!
Going back to school has always been my favorite time of year. Re-connecting with friends, new classes, new teachers, and limitless possibilities, what’s not to love?! This time of the year also begins the “cold and flu” season.
A long-time practice member and during one of her visits she mentioned to me that her daughter had been having daily, debilitating headaches. They seemed to come on from nowhere and nothing was helping her feel better.
About this time of year, families around the world pick up on Nature’s cue and use this season to clean up, spruce up, de-clutter and get ready for springtime. But your body can benefit from some spring cleaning as well – what are some ways to tune up your body?