Travel can be tricky if you are suffering from back or neck pain. Even if you are feeling good, travel can make you feel tight, achy and sore. Here are some Chiropractic Travel Tips to help you feel great once you arrive at your destination.
One of the most common questions I get asked on a daily basis is “What vitamins should I be taking?” Let’s keep in mind that each and everyone is unique with individual needs.
Headaches are the second most common reason people come to my office and seek chiropractic care. We have AMAZING success with headaches because we find the underlying root cause of the headaches and work to CORRECT that.
Stretching is an often overlooked aspect of health, but yet it so important. There is a lot of misguided information when it comes to stretching. In this blog I want to explain why it is important to stretch and explain the proper timing and method to get the most bang for your buck while stretching.
In the past two weeks there has been a lot of people suffering from shoulder pain in Chicago. The reason I know is because, as a chiropractor, there has been a huge influx of patients with shoulder pain coming into my office. Let’s discuss this further.
Choosing a chiropractor in Chicago can be quite a challenge. In a city as large and diverse as Chicago is, chiropractors are just as diverse. Each and every chiropractic office has a different philosophy, different techniques, and of course the Doctor in each office has a different personality.
‘d like to share a success story with you that occurred with one of our patients here in the office. It is very often that I am asked if “Restoring your posture with chiropractic is possible or not?” This particular case will demonstrate that not only does chiropractic restore your posture, it can change your life!
A practice member who I’ve known for a while came in one day and was very stressed and concerned. After we got to talking she told me her knee was really bothering her and it was preventing her from working out.
A study published in 2004 in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society came to the conclusion that “Older men and women with hyperkyphotic posture have higher mortality rates.” So I am not overstating the fact that bad posture can kill you!