Have you ever heard an older individual say “I’ve lost an inch since I was younger.”? Or maybe you are one of these people who has lost some height as you have gotten older?
5 People who need a Chiropractor Do you have a spine? The answer is yes, everyone with a spine needs a chiropractor in their life, this also includes animal by the way. BUT, here is a a list of 5 people who need a chiropractor and it should be non debate-able. 1) Parents, particularly new […]
Healing is a Connection Have you ever went into a Doctors office and felt extremely uncomfortable even while just sitting in the waiting room? Maybe you didn’t even get a “Hello” from the staff? It’s really unfortunate but medicine is performed in an environment that is not very healing. Most of the time when you […]
As people age there are certain muscles that tend to lose strength and others that tend to get tight. We see this consistently in people that do not exercise.
Let’s talk about poop. You may think it’s weird that a chiropractor talks bowel movements, but it actually comes up often in my office. In particular, I have two stories I’d like to share with you. One is about a 3-month-old baby and the other is about a man in his fifties. Both stories involve […]
Kids are spending more time than ever on portable electronic devices, and for good reason. The jury is out on how healthy or unhealthy this may be for their development and that is not with this article is about. What I want to talk about is how will this affect their posture!