Chiropractic and Pregnancy Chiropractic and pregnancy are a match made in heaven. Think of the pelvis of a pregnant woman as a basketball hoop, and the baby as the basketball. If the hoop is level, balanced and in alignment it makes it very easy for the ball to go through the hoop. Now, imagine that […]
Astronaut Scott Kelly returned to Earth recently after being in space for a year! One of the headline grabbing topics when he returned was that he gained 2 inches in height during his time away! How incredible is that?
I have been warning my patients as long as I have been in practice about how back surgery may backfire. I’ve seen many people come to me AFTER they have had surgery because they are still in so much pain. We can help people post-surgery, but it is much easier to help prevent the surgery in the first place.
Recently I had a new patient come into the office with ocular migraines. An ocular migraine can effect your vision in a serious way before they may turn into a full blown migraine.
In the past two weeks there has been a lot of people suffering from shoulder pain in Chicago. The reason I know is because, as a chiropractor, there has been a huge influx of patients with shoulder pain coming into my office. Let’s discuss this further.
Everyone knows that chiropractors are great at helping relieve neck pain. In my office, people refer to me as the Neck Pain Chiropractor and I love that! There are great chiropractors all over Chicago, but if you are looking to correct your neck pain once and for all, this is your place.
Have you ever wondered “Why do chiropractors take X-rays?” Or, have you considered going to see a chiropractor, but are worried because your chiropractor may recommend X-rays?
We are spending more time than ever in front of computers, mobile devices and other electronics and this plays a major role in why people are having neck pain and seeking neck pain relief.