Choosing a chiropractor in Chicago can be quite a challenge. In a city as large and diverse as Chicago is, chiropractors are just as diverse. Each and every chiropractic office has a different philosophy, different techniques, and of course the Doctor in each office has a different personality.
‘d like to share a success story with you that occurred with one of our patients here in the office. It is very often that I am asked if “Restoring your posture with chiropractic is possible or not?” This particular case will demonstrate that not only does chiropractic restore your posture, it can change your life!
Many people seek out chiropractic after being in a car accident. A recent study performed at Yale demonstrated that accidents at 8.2 mph create enough change to the body to create injury and cause damage
This is a common question that patients often ask in my office. The humpback that is being questioned is what we call a Dowager’s Hump. This is typically found in women over 60, but is actually becoming more common in women that are younger and younger. This condition can drastically alter a woman’s appearance, but also has many negative impacts on health as well.
Kids and chiropractic is a topic that many people don’t realize go together. Just the other day I was adjusting a patient of mine and he saw in the next room a parent with her kids and the kids were patiently lying on the table waiting for me. He asked me, “Why do kids get adjusted, do they have back pain?”
Recently I was reviewing X-rays with a new patient who was having a lot of health challenges. I found the cause of her problems and was explaining this to her. After reviewing what we need to do to correct her problem we talked about the finances of what it would cost.
Did you know taking NSAID’s or other analgesics for joint pain can actually slow healing and encourage the patient to do more damage because they cannot feel the pain that indicates that they are hurting themselves?