Are you suffering from Sciatica? Chiropractic can help! Sciatica can be caused by many different issues. It can be arthritic changes in the spine, a herniated disc, muscle imbalances around the hip, or muscle tightness. It is important to discover what is causing your sciatica and address that issue. That is our approach here at […]
When people tell me they are getting old, I call them out on it. “You may be getting older, but you are not getting old” is typically my response.
Thursday nights are my favorite night of the week… family adjustment night in the Bourdage household. After I arrive home, we eat dinner, hang out as a family and then before bed my 6 year old knows it’s adjustment night so she’ll say “Baba (Chinese for dad), time for our adjustments!”
Would you agree with me that Chiropractors are a strange bunch of people? Sometimes when I meet another chiropractor I have my defenses up because I’m not sure if they will be one of the weird ones. And when I say weird, I mean even more weird than I am.
This still comes up occasionally in our office, but in reality not that much anymore. I have more medical doctors as patients now than I ever have in 11 years of practice. After having discussions with them and thinking about this topic, I have answers as to why medical doctors think chiropractic doesn’t work.