Going back to school has always been my favorite time of year. Re-connecting with friends, new classes, new teachers, and limitless possibilities, what’s not to love?! This time of the year also begins the “cold and flu” season.
When it comes to exercise, I often hear one of three excuses.
Most people who come to our office do so because they are experiencing back pain or neck pain that has started to interfere with their life in a negative way.
A long-time practice member and during one of her visits she mentioned to me that her daughter had been having daily, debilitating headaches. They seemed to come on from nowhere and nothing was helping her feel better.
About this time of year, families around the world pick up on Nature’s cue and use this season to clean up, spruce up, de-clutter and get ready for springtime. But your body can benefit from some spring cleaning as well – what are some ways to tune up your body?
You hear about it every day – so many of the common maladies suffered by our families, friends and neighbors seem to come from stress of some kind – but what is stress, what causes it, and what can we do about it?