Rich fell off of a ladder twice and was experiencing terrible pain and numbness in his arms. Not only could he not work, but he was barely even able to walk because he was in so much pain.
Did you know taking NSAID’s or other analgesics for joint pain can actually slow healing and encourage the patient to do more damage because they cannot feel the pain that indicates that they are hurting themselves?
Bicep tendonitis is a very common injury seen in my practice. The aches and pains of bicep tendonitis can seriously interfere with your daily activities. Most people don’t realize how much they use their bicep muscles throughout the day until an injury like this occurs.
Every year I choose a new adventure to participate in.
About this time of year, families around the world pick up on Nature’s cue and use this season to clean up, spruce up, de-clutter and get ready for springtime. But your body can benefit from some spring cleaning as well – what are some ways to tune up your body?
You hear about it every day – so many of the common maladies suffered by our families, friends and neighbors seem to come from stress of some kind – but what is stress, what causes it, and what can we do about it?