In some countries across the world, there are populations who experience no lower back pain. What do you think they do that we do not?

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rends will come and go, but there are foundations which everyone should practice. Like building a house, having these foundations in place will give you a solid start. Here are my 5 tips for optimal health.

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I understand that when a person walks into a chiropractic office, they have to have some sort of faith in chiropractic.

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It’s a brand-new year and with a new start many people are making health goals right now. It’s great to have health goals. The problem is statistics show most people do not stick to them. This blog is not about helping you stick to your goals. I can’t help you stick to your goals. That […]

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3 P’s of Chiropractic There are 3 main reasons people come to a chiropractors office and they can be summed up as the 3 P’s. Please read on to see if you have been taking full advantage of all the reasons people visit a chiropractor.

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As much as it sucks, pain exists for a reason. Pain is the body’s way of telling you to pay attention because something is wrong.

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Because “we can’t swim sitting here looking at the pool.”

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5 People who need a Chiropractor Do you have a spine? The answer is yes, everyone with a spine needs a chiropractor in their life, this also includes animal by the way. BUT, here is a a list of 5 people who need a chiropractor and it should be non debate-able. 1) Parents, particularly new […]

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Join us in our new location at 6443 N Cicero Ave in Lincolnwood.

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