Sciatica? Chiropractic Can Help

Are you suffering from Sciatica? Chiropractic can help!

Sciatica can be caused by many different issues. It can be arthritic changes in the spine, a herniated disc, muscle imbalances around the hip, or muscle tightness. It is important to discover what is causing your sciatica and address that issue. That is our approach here at Bourdage Chiropractic.

Sciatica is characterized by pain in the back. This is accompanied by pain, numbness, tingling, or burning that travels down the leg and may even be felt into the feet and toes. The further down your leg it travels, the more severe your case is. It is important to have this checked out and do not wait for the symptoms to get better on their own. The longer you wait, the greater chance your sciatica may become chronic in nature.

Sciatica is the most common condition I treat at Bourdage Chiropractic. We have good success in helping people heal from this oftentimes awful condition.

Please watch the video above, and if you have any questions I’d be more than happy to discuss with you. Give me a call at 773-545-9379.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Steven Bourdage DC



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