Hollow Holds for Core

Hollow holds for core are one of the best exercises you can do to protect your spine. Check out this video for a demonstration:

A good test of core strength is if you can hold this position for one minute. Like I stated in the video, if you cannot hold this for one minute, take your time building up to it. 20 second holds will quickly turn into 40 second holds. One minute will not be far behind.

You will notice while you do this exercise, your lower back will want to come off of the ground. Fight that urge as best as you can. This exercise gets its benefit from you keeping your lower back firmly planted into the ground. When done properly you will feel you whole body shaking and that is good. The shaking is your muscles becoming stronger. If you feel pain or discomfort in your lower back while you do this exercise, please stop and discuss with me during your next chiropractic appointment.

Injury Proof

The benefits of a strong core are numerous. A strong core not only helps you look good for bathing suit season, but it also helps to create better posture, have less pain, and prevent future injury. Many of the injuries I see in my chiropractic office here in Chicago are because of weak core musculature.

The core is much more than just the abdomen muscles. The core is truly the integration of the body as a whole. How your body is all tied together. The core helps connect the upper body to the lower body so it can all work in unison. A strong united body comes from a strong core.

Hollow holds for core, give them a try and reap the benefits of developing a rock solid foundation!

Yours in Health,

Dr. Steven Bourdage



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