Why We Are Different

Why We Are Different

I opened the doors of Bourdage Chiropractic in 2008. My goal has always been to be a place of healing that is different than most health care settings. In this blog post I’d like to tell you why we are different.

 1) The number one reason why we are different than other healthcare settings is we realize and honor that the body is self healing. Adjustments to the spine allow the body to function at it’s best. The better your body is functioning, the healthier you will be.
2) We treat everyone like family. We hug our patients, we laugh with our patients, we cry with our patients. The patients inside this office are our family! We are here and we exist FOR YOU! I, as the doctor will tell you exactly what is going on and what it will take to get your problem corrected. I explain things in simple terms to make sure it makes complete sense. No big doctor words that don’t make sense here.
3) Bourdage Chiropractic has affordable rates. Whether you have insurance or not, our fees and prices are affordable to make sure everyone can have access to chiropractic care. We even offer payment plan options if needed.
4) We get results! Not only do we want to help you feel better, I want you to have long-term correction. Many places offer band-aid care or cover up your symptoms. Here we correct the underlying cause and create a fix. We take before and after X-rays to show you the changes taking place in your body. The results we see are amazing!


If you are looking for a chiropractor, it is important to find an office that you resonate with. Find an office that is convenient and comfortable for you. Bourdage Chiropractic may be that office. Call us at 773-545-9379 or email me at if you have any questions.
Yours in Health,
Steven Bourdage DC



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