September Acts of Kindness

The month of September at Bourdage Chiropractic is “September Acts of Kindness” month. We are doing this for two reasons.

1) There can never be too much kindness in the world. 2) If you ever watch the news it may seem like there is only negativity in the world, and we want to help change your perspective and the perspective of the world by creating a ton of kindness and positive energy.

During the month of September I will post on social media an act of kindness that you should perform for the day. Some will be acts of kindness to others and some will be acts of kindness for yourself. Sometimes we forget to be nice to ourselves and I want this month to be a reminder that kindness comes in many different forms. If you don’t already follow Bourdage Chiropractic on Facebook, please follow this link and be sure to like us to ensure you can see the daily act of kindness.

In summary, I hope you join us during the month and help spread kindness to yourself, your family, your community and ultimately the world. Kindness is contagious!

Yours in Health,

Dr. Steven Bourdage DC



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